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School Uniform

School uniform is compulsory for all pupils at all Kings’ Schools. The uniform changes as children go through the school and is designed to encourage our youngest children to feel independent and our older children to feel a sense of pride in their appearance. For the full list of uniform requirements, and to order online, please visit: School Uniform. Uniform can also be purchased from Threads uniform stores in Times Square Mall and Cityland Mall. 

Competitive Sports Kit and Swimwear

We write to inform you that we have a new supplier for our competitive sports kit and swimwear. We have partnered with Kukri, a leading manufacturer of high-quality sports attire and have been working closely with them during the summer to design and manufacture the new range of bespoke sportswear. For more details, please see: Competitive Sports Kit and Swimwear


Kings’ Schools have partnered with Mastercook Catering Services to provide healthy school meal options to students at an additional cost. Parents can sign up and pay in advance for the term. The mission is to improve children’s mindful eating, by being entirely dedicated to catering pupils during their whole school experience. Menus are available on Communicator for our existing parents. 

All children must bring a snack and a water bottle to school each day.

Kings’ Schools promote healthy eating, and we encourage parents to help us in our aim. When providing a packed lunch, please include only healthy food choices. The following items are not allowed in packed lunches: sweets, chocolate, crisps, nuts and carbonated drinks. Please review our healthy eating policy.


Currently Kings’ School Dubai does not offer transportation.


After School Care

We are pleased to offer a number of After School Clubs free of charge from Year 1 onwards. For more information review our Extra-Curricular Activities page. Bookings can be made by the Parent Portal.

In addition, we offer Kings’ After School Care for after school wrap-around care for Foundation Stage 2 children with Primary siblings. For more information email

School Communication

The main way that Kings’ Schools communicate with parents is via The Kings’ Communicator. Parents must download this free app to their mobile or computer (go to and follow the instructions in the Schools section) to enable them to stay in touch with all school updates. The Kings’ Communicator is used to share key dates for the calendar, weekly newsletters, photographs and daily updates. For quick links to Communicator and other tools visit our Parent Portal page.

In addition, each child has their own Communication Book, which comes home every day with messages linked to your child’s learning. Please do check this every night, and we encourage parents to respond with messages of their own as part of the partnership between school and parents regarding children’s learning.

Each class also has one or two parents who are the class link(s). The class links communicate with other parents on class-specific information and out-of-school activities for the class or parents, as well as providing a fail-safe emergency contact pyramid.

Parent Portal

Parents can also access online information specific to their child, such as school reports, attendance records and fees information, via our Parent Portal. You will need to be provided with a username and password upon joining. In addition, Early Essence is an online system for Early Years Foundation Stage which enables parents to track their child's progress and attainment. For more information on all parent tools, visit our Parent Portal page.

For further information, or if you have any questions, please get in touch:


Tel: +971 4 348 3939

Alternatively, check here for more contact options.