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How much should I help my child with homework?

High impact learning comes through rich and engaging discussions, with a child at the centre of the learning process. This is a model that Kings’ Schools aim to deliver on a daily basis. Teachers facilitate a child's learning by supporting and guiding where needed. They use initiated discussion and questioning to enable a child to verbalise their understanding and the teacher can then address misconceptions or promote high order thinking.

A similar approach is needed by parents when supporting homework or more preferably, home learning as it is known across Kings’ Schools. It is important to refrain from 'let me show you how I was taught'. This may seem a logical solution but the impact of introducing a new concept or method to a child at this stage of their learning can easily add to their confusion and misunderstanding.

Instead, the question should be asked, 'can you show me how you would...?’ If a child is to learn, they need to make mistakes. Mistakes in home learning are not necessarily a bad thing, as these will help scaffold the next steps of a child’s learning. Teachers at Kings’ use home learning as a tool to consolidate prior learning and assess children’s needs for what comes next.

Even though the option of 'let me show you how I would do it' seems easier at times, there are few longer term benefits to be had. Instead, home learning that is independently completed, with some rich dialogue between parent and child, will provide a much better learning opportunity for all.

James Carroll
Deputy Headteacher, Kings’ School, Al Barsha