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SEND (special educational needs and disability) at Kings' School Al Barsha

Some frequently asked questions about SEND (special educational needs and disability) provision at Kings'School Al Barsha.

Which SEND do you currently cater for/accept in your school?

At Kings’ Schools, we offer an inclusive mainstream curriculum with additional support, intervention, differentiation and personalisation, where appropriate. At the time of admission a Student's needs will be reviewed and assessed on a case by case need. We currently have students with a wide range of needs which include behaviour, social, emotional; sensory and physical; medical conditions and health related difficulty; communication and interaction including hearing impairment; specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, ASD; and gifted and talented.

Can you describe your specialist SEND facilities?

Kings' School Al Barsha currently has specialists in Speech and Language, Dyslexia, Autism, English as an Additional Language, Gifted and Talented. The leaders of the SEND Departments are British Qualified to Masters level. The school has specialist teaching classrooms and resources.

What is your school's policy on shadow teachers? (who pays - school or parent? training etc)

Across the school students receive support on a personalised and individualised basis. Where a high level of need is apparent and additional staff are required a discussion is held with parents to provide the best support possible. Students in Secondary receive support from shared specialised staff on a pro rata basis while in Primary students receive support from a dedicated member of staff, this can either be on a full time or part time basis. Staff are employed by the school directly.

Can you outline your policy when accommodating a child with SEND? (ILP, frequency of correspondence with parents, assessment, additional support schedule etc)

Students receive holistic and wrap around care at all stages of education. Where appropriate students will be placed on an Individual Education Plan, and receive support for home learning, additional intervention, regular parent communication, open door policy to Learning Support leaders, assessment and tracking, personalised and differentiated timetables on a needs led basis.

What is the application procedure for parents with a SEND child at your school?

Application procedure is the same for SEND students as it is for neurotypical students. At the point of assessment there may be additional meetings with the Learning Support Leader and/or Assistant Heads to ensure that the school has the capacity and specialised staff to support the child's individual needs.

Louise Dawson
Learning Support Subject Leader, Kings' Schools, Dubai
Heather Creighton
Deputy Headteacher, Kings' School Al Barsha